Copyright © Gianluca Folì, all rights reserved. Designed and customized by Juta Studio

Photo by Paolo Belletti

Gianluca Folì is a elegant and brilliant italian illustrator.

His illustrations are graphic tours de force between chromatic and formal poems. In a surreal balance. Each subject, from adults culture to children’s books, benefits from his sophisticated artistry and empathy. From his studio between the Castelli Romani vineyards, he collaborates with different clients around the world.



Feltrinelli – Mondadori – Rizzoli Lizard – Taschen – Meanings – Rrose Slavy – Editori LaTerza – DeAgostini – ZOOlibri – Les Echos – L’Espresso – Il Corriere della Sera – The Boston Globe – The New York Times – Sony – Red Bull – Crush Lab – Expo2015 – Alfa Romeo – Fendi – Blur Studio – Harley Davidson – Leo Burnett – Lowe Pirella Fronzoni – Panorama Icon – The Wall Street Journal – Reader’s Digest – Esquire – Los Angeles Time – Newton & Compton – Rolling Stones Magazine – Rue du Monde – Grimm Press – Studio Cru – GQ (IT, USA)


  • Society of Illustrators N.Y. 57th – Gold Medal
  • Society of Illustrators N.Y. 53rd – Selected
  • Society of Illustrators L.A. 53rd – Selected
  • Society of Illustrators L.A. 50th – Bronze Medal
  • Creative Quarterly 37th
  • Applied Arts Annual 118th
  • Applied Arts Annual 113th
  • Communication Arts Annual 08
  • Best 100 Books at the CJbook Festival H.K.
  • Best 100 Books at the Munich White Ravens


  • Group – Baci da Arturo, Fondazione Toscanini, Parma, IT
  • Group – Drawjob, Spazio Tapirulan, Cremona, IT
  • Group – 60 anni de L’espresso – Palazzo Reale, Milano, IT
  • Group – Illustri, Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza, IT
  • Group – Venator Divine, The Other Art Fair, Torino, IT
  • Group – Society of Illustrators N.Y. 57rd, New York, USA
  • Gianluca Folì + Philip Giordano – Italian Culture Istitute of Tokyo, JP
  • Gianluca Folì + Philip Giordano – An Italian Dialogue, Dazzle Gallery, Tokyo, JP
  • Group – Eros16, Untype Gallery, Parma, IT
  • Group – Society of Illustrators L.A. 50th, Los Angeles, CA
  • Group – Society of Illustrators N.Y. 53rd, Los Angeles, CA